In a bilingual version, the 30th edition of Cadernos FGV Projetos addresses the theme Sustainable Cities. The publication features an interview with Simone Raskob, adviser for the Environment and Construction area of ​​Essen, Germany, and leader of the project that led the city to win the title of Green Capital of Europe 2017. The edition also has testimonies of Elizabeth Yee, vice president of City Solutions for the 100 Resilient Cities program, and Marilene Ramos, director of BNDES and a professor at Ebape / FGV, who talk about how their institutions have worked to foster more sustainable and resilient practices in Brazil and worldwide . The book features articles by experts and urban managers, such as the researcher and project leader of the German Development Institute (DIE) Clara Brandi ("The role of cities: implementation of Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement"), the Undersecretary of Urban Planning ("Sustainability and urban resilience: data, information and technology as tools for territorial management"), the members of ITS Rio Ronaldo Lemos, Fabro Steibel and Victor Vicente ("Citizen Participation and Citizen Participation"), and Urban Mobility of the Municipality of Niterói, Rogério Gutierrez ("Smart cities: the challenge of sustainable planning"), Marco Contardi ("Smart cities: the challenge of sustainable planning"), and Marco Saverio Ristuccia ("Intelligent and Sustainable Cities: Innovations for Urban Transformation in Brazil") and others professionals in the area of ​​urban planning and development.


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